
Hello! I’m Kayla. I’m a working mom of two who has always wanted to be crafty, but never found it to be something that comes naturally or easy. I am also someone who strongly believes that doing things outside of your comfort zone is a great way to help you grow. That is why I’ve started this unkrafty blog.

So many crafting blogs out there are run by people who have been crafting their whole lives or by people who have a design or art background – that is SO not me! Finger painting was as crafty as I got as a kid. My goal is to find easy crafts that even I can do and share my experience in doing them. If I can do them and they come out looking semi-presentable, then anyone can do them!

My first venture into this unkrafty experience was when I was planning my wedding (what a great time to start right?!).  In an effort to save some money I decided to make our wedding favors and many of our decorations (with some much needed help from Mom!).  Since then my husband and I have had two kids and I want them to grow up watching both of us stretch ourselves personally – so here we go…

Some Things About Me

  1. I live in Minnesota with my husband, two kids, and two dogs. I hate the winters, but love the different seasons.
  2.  I have the pleasure of working for my family’s business as legal counsel (does it get less artsy than law?!). I get to work side by side with my parents, siblings, and in-laws and love it (seriously)! I also work part time for my husband’s business Odditymall. He is the one who encouraged me to start this unkrafty blog!
  3. My husband and I love to travel. We have made it a goal to travel to a new country every year and we’ve been able to achieve that goal every year but one (hey, I was pregnant!).  